Do you ever wonder what your ancestors were like?  What did they do for a living?  Did they ever fall in love?  Have their heart broken?  Dream big dreams?  You know, the people who lived 100, 200+ years ago, that you never had the opportunity to meet but who you inherited your blue eyes from […]

We are “enjoying” another spring rain so thought I would bring a little Spring Sunshine indoors! 

 My Very Own, Very Hungry Caterpillar! Here is my favorite little inchworm or, since he is rather fond of his breakfast, lunch, and supper (and several middle of the night snacks as well!) my Very Hungry Caterpillar! This adorable little hat and cocoon set was knitted by a very special friend who is a master […]

Below is the Video Gallery and all the images from the Elk Mountain Branding!    For pricing, information on purchasing any of the images from this event, and different photo products that are offered, please refer to the Investment Tab to the left! Special reduced Video Gallery Pricing:  $15.00! (The Video Gallery shown below is burned to a dvd and is available in […]

I have to admit that I didn’t know much about shooting ranges when I happily agreed to take Portraits for Tyler’s Senior Session.  Well, to be perfectly frank I didn’t know ANYTHING  about Shooting Ranges and now I can at least say that I know what the inside of one looks like!  As I am the mother […]

The “Ulips” are growing! The other day my five year old came running into the house , all out of breath and jumping from one foot to the other in excitement.  The “ulips” are growing!  he tells me.  “Ulips,” I’m thinking?  What are on earth are “ulips?”  And do I really want them to be […]





